Over the course of the past 6 months, Belgium has faced two national lockdowns.
But also in the rest of Europe and other parts of the world, people’s social (and economical) lives repeatedly have been brought to a complete standstill.
Although the imposed confinement is quite challenging, it also rewires our way of living and thinking. For the second time around, Geukens & De Vil invited their artists to create a work in their locked down studio, inspired by this key moment in history.
CONFINED CHALLENGE 2.0 shows artists from the gallery on an international level, presenting:
Philip Aguirre y Otegui (°1961, BE), Ruben Bellinkx (°1975, BE), Jeffe De Brabandere (°1998, BE), Peter De Meyer (°1981, BE), Asger Dybvad Larsen (°1990, DK), Matthew Feyld (°1985, CA), Julius Heinemann, (°1984, DE), Gideon Kiefer (°1970, BE),
Geukens & De Vil